Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4am in the morning on a Wednesday night/ Thursday morning. Like I said, went for snooker at 2.30pm. I think I'm gifted. I kicked Sam's ass. We played from 2.30 till 8.30pm. He paid for all the table charges cause he lost to me. I also won RM70 bucks. Sweet... He now owes me RM170 smacks. A hundred bucks from the previous time. Winning's great. I get to enjoy the game of snooker and be paid at the same time. Yaay...

Movie was at 9pm. Watched Transformers with the twin brothers Abu & Chuen. Their chicks came along as well. I paid for the tics (because I'm a nice guy). It's only 8 bucks on Wednesdays compared to the usual 11 bucks on other days. The show was pretty long. Close to 2 and a half hours. Pretty good lar. But the fighting scenes are really fast and it's sorta difficult to take it all in at one go. I think I'll buy the DVD and watch it again.

12am and the movie is over. I drive to Wabisabi and meet up with my drunkard friends for drinkies. Jules, Hwe and Vincent are there. There are 2 other gals there as well. If I remember correctly, their names are Eleen and Tracy. I arrive, I tell them 2 of my jokes, and then they chau the scene. I don't think it was my jokes that drove them away. They were already planning to cabut. Hehe...

We don't drink much... or I guess I didn't drink much. As they have been there for a while, they obviously drank more than me. I have a few mugs of beer. The guys wanted to makan, so we drive to SS2 for supper. I have my Wan Ton Mee, Jules and Vincent have their Pan Mee. After supper, we walk opposite to the DVD shop to buy some porn. I'm the only fella that buys a DVD. Bloody hell... con job. I bought it cause the gal on the cover was damn kau cute. But the actual DVD itself were 2 different chicks. Kanasai... if pretty nevermind lar. Ugly summore. Guess that's 25 bucks down the drain...

Jugs of liquid gold...

Vin and Hwe Googling for some pics of a porn star.
So... tomorrow I'll be having dinner with Sandy. And on Friday, I'll be having dinner with Abu & Chuen and their chicks. They are buying me dinner cause I paid for the movie. Hope dinner comes with alcohol...

1 comment:

  1. first yes u got my name right but my fren's yeelin.
    and yes you are also right that we didn't leave because of your joke...we were tired.
