Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monday night. Had a dinner date with Gee Gee. She's an x colleague of mine. Very cute. Well... she is only 24. Oh yeah... when she smiles she looks like Beyonce. Anyways, promised to buy her dinner. There is this pork place in Bandar Utama. It's called Ribs (I think). It's actually the 3rd time I've been there. The food is good lar. Best of all... succulent porkie pork. Nice. We ordered the Reverse Burger & Pork Loin Chop in Apple sauce. Dinner was excellent. We chatted... I told her how much I have been drinking since Friday (drank shit loads on Saturday but I prefer to skip that story) and how I am not gonna drink this week.

After dinner I wanted to go buy something in 1U so she teman me lar. While walking around in 1U, my drinking buddy Ah Chuan calls. "Come Puchong and drink lar" he says. I tell Gee Gee that I need to go liau. She laughs and reminds me of what I just told her during dinner. I smile and nod. Not gonna drink this week. Yeah right. As Jules would say to me,"Stop lying to yourself lar".

Anyways... I drive to Puchong. There are 5 guys drinking there when I arrive. The group grows and shrinks. People come and people go. We play drinking games and I feel fucking bloated. I think it's because of the heavy dinner I just had. We end the night early. If I remember correctly, I actually left the pub at about 12.30. I calculated the number of jugs of beer we drank. Since I arrived at the pub, we ordered about 20 jugs. Before I arrived they were already drinking. So I have no idea how much those insane guys had the whole night. But kampung friends will always be kampung friends. They are drunkards like me, and they will always have my back. Always good to hangout & drink with them.

The "Reverse Pork Burger". This is amazing guys...

Pork Loin Chop in Apple sauce. Another one you guys should try.

Sotong & his neighbour. Seriously.. the guy in white stays next door to him.

Don't ask me why everyone is doing the thumbs up thang.

Cheers to another good early drunk night.

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