Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's a chill Wednesday. Woke up at 10 in the morning. I woke up early cause I slept early. So far... it's been a slow week. Monday was Badminton day, so I didn't drink at all. Tueaday was sit at home and watch movie day, so I didn't drink at all. I was actually looking forward to Debra's house party. If you remember... we had a BBQ last Saturday. There was so much food that we had leftovers. Burgers & Hotdogs. Debs also had a crate of beer left. So she invited a few close friends lar just to polish it all off.

Since I bloody woke up at 10 in the morning, I had nothing to do. No one wanted to have lunch with me cause everyone was busy with work. So I sat at home watching TV and chatting on MSN. It was only at 5pm that Gee Gee messaged me. Immediately I asked her to go yam char and chill out somewhere. I suggested SS2 as I wanted to buy some DVDs. We went to "Wong Kok Char Chan Teng" which is an Ah Beng and Ah Lian hangout (and trust me... it's really obvious once you step into the shop). It's been years since I last went there. I had a bad case of food poisoning the last time I was there and I vouched not to go there. But since so long ago liau.. I was thinking to myself that it can't be that bad now lar.

So we chit chat and as usual... we do have loads to talk about. Which is kinda amazing as usually I'll just go "uuuu"... "aaaaa".... and have nothing to talk about. I guess it's the Hokkien factor. I think it's proven that I get along better with people that speak Hokkien. We chill there till about 6.30pm. She then drives me to a shop in SS2 and to Sea Park in my attempt to find the DVD I was looking for. Sadly... "The Chappelle Show" which I am looking for is not available. I know one of the shops in SS2 sells it but it only opens at 8 ish. Gee Gee and I go for a foot massage to kill time and wait for the DVD shop to open. The massage is pretty good. 40 bucks per person for a 1 hour foot massage. We're done by 8.20 and I check and see if the DVD shop has opened. Fucks... still closed. I pick Anisa up somewhere near the Rothmans Roundabout. After picking her up, I pass by the DVD shop to see if it's open. Yes!!! It is... I go down, ask Candy for the DVD. She tells me that they are out of stock and the new supply will only be in on Saturday. Fucks... all that waiting and driving around for nothing.

Anisa and I make our way to Debra's crib. When we arrive, Su Lee is already there chilling with Debs. I down a beer as I am waiting for Anissa & Debs to make a burger for me. Ramli burger is always sweet. Plus the gals are gifted in flipping burgers. It was awesome. After consuming the burger, we all sat there and watched Sex and the City. Yeah... I know, it's a chick thang. but what to do, Debs doesn't have Astro, and I was not able to bring the Dave Chappelle DVD. Jules soon arrives and has a burger. I soon get hungry again and make another one for myself. So basically, Su Lee, Anisa, Debra, Jules, Kenny & I are sitting there, drinking & eating... watching Sex and the City. I obviously eat the most. I'm hungry and Debs makes me a Hotdog with pickles, mustard and chilly sauce. I also whack a packet of assorted peanuts. I think I ate more than I drank. All I had was 6 cans of beer. What a slow night. But it was kinda nice though... a bunch of friends hanging out watchin "Sex and the City"...

Gee Gee waiting for the masseur.

I'm waiting for my masseur as well.

Chilling at Deb's crib. Here we have Anisa and "Miss Half Ball" Su Lee.

Auntie Debs flipping burgers... Supervised by Kenny Chai.

Jules soon arrives and he's hooked to "Sex and the City".

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