Wednesday leh, I was sleeping at home recovering from Tuesday night's drinking. Ah Chuan calls me asking me to accompany him buy a camera. I drove the guy's ass around. 1 Utama, Digital Mall and then to Mid Valley. Alas.. we buy the camera in Mid Valley. I insist on him buying me a drink for my assistance. We go to Chilis for a few pints of Guinness. We were suppose to drink 2 pints. But we end up drinking 6 each. We also order 3 lamb dishes as Ah Chuan does not eat beef. After we've savagely consumed all the food and drinks, I drive him back to Sri Petaling. I then drove back to MV to watch the show "The Ugly Truth". After the movie, Jules, Anisa, Debs and I go to Finnegans for a pint. I order a Tetleys but the drink tasted wierd. It was fucking sour. I asked them to exchange it and ordered a Kilkenny instead. I was tired and drunk again.
Thursday... Okays.. I'm fucked. I am sitting in front of my laptop and I can't remember where I went drinking on Thursday. Fucking hell... This isn't good.
Ah Chuan was addicted to Chillis's Guinness. We actually went to MV again on Friday to drink Guinness. Another friend Brian popped by. Once again, we ordered 3 lamb dishes. I had 7 pints of Guinness there. Bloody wasted again. Cindy sms'ed me and told me she and her gang are going to Envy in Solaris. Debs and Anisa were chilling at Vintry in Jaya 33. Since I was already pretty wasted, I ended up in Vintry. So I FFk'ed Cinz and Chilled with Debs and Anisa. As the night progressed, Navin, Vincent, Hann and Jules joined the gang. I had 2 more pints of Guinness which makes it a grand total of 9 pints. I'm fucked again.
Saturday night, we plan to party hard. But before that, Jules, Anisa and I chill at Debra's crib. I get up at 10 ish and go to Jusco to buy some meat and sauces I need to cook "Ah Tiong's famous braised pork belly". I cooked at home and brought it to her place. Anisa brought some Shepards Pie... which was really nice. We ate and drank vodka at her place. Hann came to pick us up along with Elli. We all went to Velvet. We met up with Tissa, Jules and Vincent at Zouk. Drank only 2 bottles of Black Label and a tray of Illusion. Stayed till 3.30am and then went for Dim Sum at Jalan Ipoh. I was so tired by the time we got to Debra's place, I just crashed on her sofa. Woke up the next day and drove home at 10am.
I drove home from Debra's place and took a bath. After mandi, couldn't really sleep. So I sat and watched TV. I knew I needed some sleep because I have a wedding dinner to attend at 7. So I pulled all the curtains and made my day become night. I eventually fall asleep. I woke up at 4 and went downstairs to cook some Maggi instant porridge. Then I took a bath and got ready for the wedding. Got to the wedding on time at 7pm. But as usual, the dinner started late. As we wait, I stand around chatting with my friends and sipping beer. The dinner eventually gets going and we eat and drink and mingle. My friends there were planning to go to MOS. I wasn't really in the mood for MOS. I call Jules and we agreed to meet up at TTDI. I leave the dinner early at 11. Suprisingly, TTDI Plaza pubs were all closed. We then went to Gashaus but it was packed like hell. We then drove to Uptown where I pick Nadine up. We go to H2O but it's bloody packed as well. We end up in a pub called "haha". Yeah yeah.. I know, dodgy name. But the place was actually pretty alright. We order a bottle of Black for RM300. 8 people on a bottle of whisky is obviously not gonna get us tipsy. It's 1 ish and Vincent comes up with a crazy idea. "Lets go to Zouk" he says. Jules was wearing shorts so he had to go home and change. Initially, we wanted to just go to Envy at Solaris. But Vince was pretty gungho about going to Zouk. So at 1.30am, we drive to Zouk. By the time we park our cars, buy a bottle, get a table, it was already 2. We drink as we usually do... fast. When we got there, we were wondering if we can finish the bottle with so little drinking time. But after 30 mins, there was only 1/4 of a bottle left. We had to pull the handbrake and slow down or we would have finished all the drinks and stand around like sor hais. Tissa ordered a tray of Illusions... again. har har. So at 3.30am, we left Zouk. These crazy muthafuckers wanted to drink more. We actually drive to Gashaus and drink more. The gang orders a bottle of Glenfiddich. I was fucking hungry so Tissa accompanies me to 7-11 to buy some food. I buy a cup noodle and consume it in record time. We also buy some snacks as well. As the guy at the counter was scanning the price, Tissa and I kept saying the word free free free. And you know what, he actually didn't scan the cup noodle I bought and gave it to us for free. Har har. Sweet... We stay in Gashaus till 5 ish. I fucking surrender. I couldn't drink another drop. I left Jules, Vincent, Tissa and Nadine. They are fucking insane.
Today is Monday. Drinking today would make it a whole complete 7 days of drinking. But fuck that. I am NOT drinking tonight. I really fucking surrender. Later I'm having dinner with Hann and Jules. And that's all I'm having. Food.... NO ALCOHOL... Oh yeah.. Thanks Caroline for reading my blog (Caroline is Hann's chick or should I say Hann is Caroline's chick).

Oh oh... I remember where I drank on Thursday. I was at the Library at Curve. Jules and Hwe were there at 3 in the evening. I had 3 pints of Hoegaarden and a jug of beer. Hehe... Wednesday, Thursday & Friday were my 3 early drinking days. Start at 3 ish 4. The beauty of drinking early is that the drinks are cheap. Har har har...
hahaha..Ur most welcome.. :) *Caroline*
ReplyDeletecaroline... next time come join us go mabuk lar.
ReplyDeleteSure sure..will join u guys one day.I see u guys mabuk..i also scared.. :)
ReplyDeletedun worry.. we're gentle drunkards. we'll try not to beat you up.