Prilay night... Pretty sober today. The day started like this... I am suppose to drive Chuen to the airport with his chick. We have lunchie at 1 ish in the afternoon. We go to Sid's cause the food there is good lar. The lady boss brings the menu. Here's a list of what we ordered.
1. Pig's in Blanket (Porkie sausage wrapped in Bacon)
2. Pork Ribs (6 pieces of succulent porkie ribs)
3. Mushroom with Blue Cheese (Served with 8 pieces of toast)
4. Sausage with Mash and Baked Beans
5. Pork Burger with Fries
After we ordered, the woman asked us, "Guys... this is a lot of food. You sure you can finish ar?" We aptly reply..."Maam, we're hungry". Believe it or not, the 2 of us actually whack all the food.
As it was a cloudy cool afternoon, Chuen and I order a beer each. I get a pint of Tiger and Chuen orders a bottle of Corona. Oh yeah... a bit of advice. Please do not push the lime into your Corona. Back in Mexico, the lime is suppose to act as a deterrent to avoid flies flying into you beer. So guys... next time when you order your Corona, please use the lime as it is suppose to be used.
I drop Chuen and his chick at LCCT at 5 ish. I proceed to "fei cher" to TTDI Plaza to meet up with Felicia and some dudes to talk about some machines. Long story cut short, Rams, Felicia & I are planning a Laundry business. I guess once we start, that'll be the end of my party days.
I get home at 7 ish in the evening. My parents ask me if I want dinner. As lunch was fucking heavy, I stayed at home and skipped dinner. Ah Lian picks me and Debs up. We proceed to a Jap restaurant called Daikayama which actually sounds like "Tai Kah Yam Ah". I order a Japanese Pizza (which is like biscuits with meat & cheese) just to fill me stomach. We Order 2 jugs of beer and start drinking. Jackie, Kenny & Terence arrive late at around 11.00 in the evening. Terence orders a bottle of Single Malt Jap whisky. Don't get me wrong... the whisky was nice. But at 600 bucks a bottle, I rather have 2 bottles of Black. Can get more drunk. Hehe...
Okay, we obviously finish the bottle of Whisky at Daikayama. The "Dons" are at TTDI and Jules and I go to TTDI to find the wankers. The whole bunch is at the "Lok-Lok" store eating when we arrive. As Jules and I would never say no to food, we also makan lar.
I dunno why ar... but today, damn kau form wei (means I was in good form to drink and not get drunk). Tissa damn layan and offers to drink 1 more jug with me. The whole bunch proceed to Gashaus @ TTDI and drink. After my pint, I'm happy and I wanna go home.
Here are the pics from today's outing...

Afternoon drinkies...

Hwe and Jules at Daikayama.

I actually bump into Elaine whom I have not seen for years.

The guy beside me is Terence. He's currently doing his own thang in China. But he does come back every few months cause he still has his loyal customers here.
Debs and Jackie. Jackie is working in SG but she's back for holiday.
Group pic. What a slow night. No drunkards... so no one acting crazy.

The mobile "Lok-Lok" store in TTDI.

Jules, Wendy and Vincent chilling at the "Lok-Lok" store.

The exploding pork ball. Amazingly juicy on the inside. Hmmm... that kinda sounds wrong.

You know when a bunch of guys have had a few drinks.

We were chilling at the bar in Gashaus.

Wendy and I. She sibeh chio...

Vincent actually looks kinda wasted and Tissa wants to lick something. I'm suspecting it's Wendy. I know I would. Hehe...

Second group pic of the night. Different location... different people...

"Fei Cher" on my way to the Damansara highway.

It's late again. As usual lar. I wonder what time will I be going home after Saturday night drinkies...