Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Early Mabuk Day

Okays... here are some pics from a few days back. The story starts like this. Someone had the brilliant idea to start drinking early on a Friday. There is this place called "The School". They've got realli cheap beer which starts at 4pm and gets more expensive by the hour. If my sober mind remember's correctly... it's something like 22 bucks for a jug or sumtin.

So... we're not hardcore enough to start drinking a 4pm. We actually start at 4.55pm. Fred was already there with a beer and book in hand when I got there. I ordered a jug and started drinking. Then came along Vincent looking casual (he was on leave) and ready to drink. So the 3 of us drank whilst waiting for King Jules to arrive...

By 9 ish... the group swelled to like 9 people. So as usual... as the night progresses, we start drinking more and more at a faster pace. The one thing I don't fancy about drinking early, is that the night ends earli. by 11 ish, we were pretty wasted (or maybe just I). Here are some of the group pics from the night...

Ahh... Ain't life great with babes, buds & booze... Triple B... Nice...

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